Covenant Kids Choir

The Covenant Kids Choir is a group of K-8th graders
that have a love of music.

With school, homework, soccer practice, and hanging out with your friends; I know that you are a busy person.  I hope you will take time out from all that you do to join the Covenant Kids Choir. We are going to have a really great choir this year and  you won’t want to miss out on the fun and excitement!  

Covenant Kids Choir is a great way to learn about the world, build performance skills, and become part of a community. Performing music has many benefits, like working several areas of the brain at once, increasing word processing ability, and improving working memory. Not only that, choir promotes teamwork, personal responsibility, can increase self-esteem and build new friendships. The whole time, singers learn a variety of challenging, entertaining music. We will be singing music from lots of genres, cultures, places, and time periods.

The Covenant Kid Choir members are students from Kindergarten through 4th grade. They practices on Sunday mornings from 10:45am - 11:10am. Come and join in this long tradition and experience the music, the fellowship, and the humor of the group. You will truly be a worship leader and will be making a difference in your own spiritual growth.

Always Singing,